Monday, September 10, 2007
The new url is now
This site will now be suspended. All contributors please go over to the new site and register by clicking here. Super easy. Once registered you'll be able to add posts and use the Events Calendar. Read the About page as it has a some instructions if you need them. It's really easy though. No worries.
You add an event to the Events Calendar the same way you write a post but at the bottom you'll see an option that says Event Editor. Set the time and date, and click publish.
Also there's a little chat feature that I think I would like folks to use. Really anything you want to do we can now do it on the new platform.
I also have a page at the top called Shows. I'm hoping it will turn into an Art Show Reviews section. Anyone who'd like to review shows please shoot fell free to. Shoot any reviews to
Long live JaxCAL. Thanks everyone for turning this blog into a living breathing arts community.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Do you want your Art in Public Places??--Public Art Workshop
A FREE workshop describing the public art process will be held at the Ritz Theatre & LaVilla Museum on September 8 from
A new public artwork entitled LaVilla Braid has been installed at the
LaVilla Braid is Cooper’s visual interpretation of LaVilla’s history and culture in a multi-media art installation. The work is composed of three separate “braids” named for their locations at the site: the pedestrian braid, the motorist braid, and the community braid. Eight colorful, aluminum, wall-mounted sculptures, are the “pedestrian braids” (pictured). They represent film, music, art, the
The motorist braid, a sculpture made from woven, colored LED light tubes, will wrap around the southwest corner of the building (pictured). The community braid, an installation of crisscrossed lights, will be projected onto the top level of the building, displaying a braided pattern of lights viewable from a considerable distance (pictured).

For LaVilla Braid, Cooper was inspired by MaVynee Betsch, better known as the “Beach Lady,” who worked for over 30 years to preserve
To learn more about Susan Cooper’s work, visit
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Vestal Show 9/7!!!
Call for Shows
Art Group Calendar
I don't even think you have to join anything new (not sure). But I think by being on Blogger you're already able to use Google's calendar and I think I have it set so everyone can view, edit, and post events.
So if you guys are into it you can view it here Art Calendar and join here Subscribe.
The only event on there to see how it works is on November 9th, my own show the only event I knew of. So check it out, post an event, or even just let me know the links worked.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
We're all too nice.
Scott Allen posted a critical comment about the portent show, but then he wouldn't back up his words, then he almost apologized for making them, then he said he didn't like one person's work, but the rest was good. He should have stood behind his comments. He should have explained why he didn't like that particular artist work.
If you're going to criticize a show, explain why, then stand behind it. It's fine to tell a couple of friends on the way home that you didn't like the show, but don't blog about it.
Moreover, I would like to take Steve and Mark's comments to task.
I don't apologize for the portent show. I think it was the best show in this town in a while. And I don't think we were misleading anyone with the idea of really good things to come (portent). I also happen to think that I'm a damn good artist and I challenge anyone to prove me otherwise. The same goes for Mark and Steve and the rest of the Beaver/Pedestrian crew.
The line has been drawn in the sand. Who's stepping over it?