Sunday, April 29, 2007

Let's start a dialogue.

First topic.

Would there be any interest in changing Artwalk from Wednesday night to Friday night? And if so how would we go about pursuing that change? Who should we talk to? Should we start a petition? How many names should we collect?

I believe doing this one simple change alone would be one step in the right direction.


AO said...

That would be huge. I have never been because it's on a Wednesday. There needs to be some dialog with Downtown Vision. I would say Terry Lorince, but maybe start with Michelle Brooks, she organizes the Art Walk. My husband is heavily involved with the homeless sector and is buddies with Walter over there, but he is in charge of the Ambassadors.

Does anyone else have an opinion on a petition? This combined with a dialog would show interest and numbers. Hubby the pro just said, start getting the group together, get the numbers to show interest, get a spokesperson or group. Call Michelle, directly and discuss.

Gotta make inroads.

Let me know what I can do to help.

Jax CAL said...

Thanks AO.

Definitely sounds like a good place to start by calling Downtown Vision and seeing what sort of response they would need to consider it.

Thanks for your input.

I'd definitely attend everyone of them if I could do it on Friday night.

Anonymous said...

If it was on Friday night I'd definitely attend. I have to get up early all week and don't like staying out too late during the weekdays.

Man am I old now.

The Urban Core said...

I posted a blog that I wrote way back about how we set up the artwalk. Its at my blog. I actually prefer Wednesday night but am open to new ideas. I am so glad to see this energy. T

The Urban Core said...


Jax CAL said...

Great Tony. I was wondering what the concept behind it was. I knew there had to be a reason it was on Wednesday nights. Seems the reason was that it was sort of a starter day. That there's no real reason?

Seems like now that it's grown to what it is, moving it to Friday or Saturday night would be the next logical step.

What an evolution from an idea to a cultural event. Congratulations on making it happen.

You're proof that stuff like JaxCAL can work. With great concepts, and positivity there's no telling what Jacksonville can become.

All we need to do is participate and decide on what change is needed. Then act.

Jaxopolitan said...

Potential scheduling conflict: The First Friday of the month is Saint Augustine Artwalk.

Food for thought.

The Urban Core said...

It depends on your definition of real. I don't think it would have survived or at least grown to what it is if it were started on a Friday.

It seems like Friday would be a natural but there are a lot of upsides on Wed. nights too. One major one is that for retailers it boosts midweek sales which can be crucial. Another is that it conflicts much less with other happenings around town.

It certainly would expand the universe of people who could come downtown. I might support that if it meant an overall increase in adoption of downtown so great that it eclipsed all of the upside to having a ton of folks walking around midweek.

Either way I'm glad its being discussed. T

Anonymous said...

I can see how midweek it increases retail. And i'm sure business owners don't want to hang out all Friday night when they could be going home.

The one positive I could see is changing the mindset of downtown a bit. Fridays are for hanging out. People usually have no time contraints on Friday nights.

If it was on a Friday I could definitely see it increasing the amount of people who come. Making it a much larger event. Not that it's not big now, but what if it was much bigger?

I think the best way to think about art and downtown is a need for a critical mass. If we are to get the most people downtown that we possibly can then Fridays might be a good bet.

But maybe not the first Fridays since it conflicts with St. Augustine's Artwalk?

The Urban Core said...

At my particular retail establishment Friday's are the only night we stay open past 10 (except for art walk). We're more focused on going out than going home though.

One major thing I forgot is that Downtown Vision holds art walk meetings every wed the week after the walk. I'm sure its open to the public. Its at 9am at DVI.

This could probably be your perverbial foot in the door. I'll contact Michelle who runs it now and let her know about this dialogue.

Jax CAL said...

great. thanks Tony.

I appreciate the open discussion on the matter. Was a little apprehensive to bring it up, but I've heard a lot of people say they wished it was on Friday.

I would definitely like to discuss with Downtown Vision to see what steps we could take if it's even possible.

Anonymous said...

put up a website link to a poll. most of those taking the poll will at least want to go see the artwalk, make sure they have to put in their information, so it's not a false vote. it may proove whether or not it will be worthwhile. I could see the advantages of the midweek business for retailers.

I really feel Jacksonville Downtown needs to open up on a regular basis. One night a month just doesn't seem adequate. What about all these tourists coming through the rest of the time? They just think jacksonville is dead if it's one day out of the month.

the advantage of a week long event maybe annually would possibly bring
some major attention to the area.
That would definetly take some sponsors, and maybe attract artists from st. augustine, ss, ns, ws, orange park, the beaches, fernadina, and if it attracts collectors you could eventually make it a national event. try to keep it local as much as possible but bring in some big players.