Wednesday, July 4, 2007

DC Stimulates Artist Communities

The Cultural Development Corporation (CuDC) is a private, nonprofit organization based in Washington, DC. We engage artists and arts organizations in community development and neighborhood revitalization efforts to stimulate economic growth, expand the city's cultural horizons, and improve quality of life in the nation's capital.

CuDC’s artist housing program seeks to counteract the fact that many artists are often priced out of the city, resulting in a loss of valuable creative capital to the District. Providing affordable spaces for artists to live, work and create is crucial to retain the creative and cultural capital that enables our city to thrive. Helping artists continue to live and work in the metro area preserves valuable access to the arts for area residents and encourages economic development and community revitalization.

Their latest project is the Douglas Street Project. The CuDC has partnered with Manna, Inc., to develop approximately 40 affordable work/live housing units for artists and their families at 2414 Douglas Street, NE, in the Woodridge area of Washington, DC. The intent of this project is to create work/live artist housing — units designed primarily as functional studio space with basic living space as an ancillary use. The renovation of an existing warehouse plus new construction will provide units ranging from approximately 700 to 1,050 sq. ft., in addition to 1,390 sq. ft. of flexible space for communal arts activities. To maximize artist eligibility, units will be available at two price points suitable for a range of low- and moderate-income households as defined by DC’s Department of Housing and Community Development. CuDC and Manna anticipate that units for low-income households will be priced starting in the mid-$100Ks. Units for moderate-income households will be priced starting in the mid-$200Ks.


Anonymous said...

I only know a little of Jacksonville's history supporting the arts. Has Jacksonville had these type programs before? I know we have The Community Foundation in Jacksonville that does very well in supporting many art programs around Jax and spreading donations around. What other programs exist in Jax that distribute bigger grant money, federal grant money around?

Brittni said...

Great post Zac.

I know we have all been talking about needing this kind of thing. Who can make this happen?

Byron said...

yeah. definitely a great post Zac. I don't know enough about the type of support out there to get something like this started.

I've seen stuff like this in much smaller cities though so I know it's possible.

maybe more on an idependent non-profit type thing? who wants to start one? I'd love to but don't have enough time to tie my shoes these days.

definitely would volunteer a few hours a week if someone would like to start collaborating on something like this.

Byron said...

googled around and found this.

worth a read. a lot of reserach on the subject was done for this document.

seems this type of thing is really great for attracting foot traffic back into cities urban cores.

John Morris said...

Yes you attract the traffic and then they kick your ass out.

Todd Camplin said...

Its always hard to afford studio space. Unless you go back to school.