Monday, July 2, 2007

If you got the Munny Hunny. We got your disease.

In the jungle.
Welcome to the jungle.
Watch it bring you to your shun n,n,n,n,,n,n,,n,n,n,,n,n,,n knees, knees.
I wanna watch you bleed.
Here's Urban Jackonville's post on the show with more info. Here. If the show is as hot as the flyer this will not only be a great art show but a kick ass design show.

Maybe this would be a good place for us all to meet up and discuss future projects?


madeleine said...

I'm not sure a show is a godd place to have a meeting (lots of people coming and going etc..). Plus, I will be out of town. Not that I'm a linchpin or anything....

James said...

I'll definitely/ maybe be there. I saw the Munny project being done elsewhere (LA) in everybody's fave Juxtapoz magazine. Nice work on the flyer.

Anonymous said...

I'm going. SAee you there.

Byron said...

So do folks want to meet on Saturday around 6pm in front of the BG to scope out the block and talk some more about the project? Anyone else interested in collaborating on a public art project for the next art walk free to come.

Sorry madeleine it seems most folks can do this time. wish you could make it too.

Brittni said...

That shouldn't be a problem for me. I am looking forward to it. The I can check out the Steve Forster show before heading over to Munny.