Sunday, August 5, 2007

Viva la Revolution

There is a really swell article on Jacksonville Arts today in the Times Union.

Click here for a read.

If you buy the paper there's a nice little graphic with CreateJacksonville's front page on it also.
All and all a really nice article about what we can do here together through the web to make things work for Jacksonville arts. There's a photo of my ugly mug on there too. I actually do smile every now and again. The photo makes me look like a tough guy of which I am not.

Take a read and tell me what you think. Things are moving in the right direction I think for sure. What do you all think?

Hope the Times Union keeps doing coverage like this. It could really be a step in the right direction by getting the printed media involved in what I think is a real developing scene.

Konrad great article. Really positive.




James said...

Good lookin' on the article! PS- we had our baby yesterday! Byron- call us sometime.

Andrew said...

Interesting read...hopefully things will stay on the up and up.

Anonymous said...

Great article, this is a step in the right direction.